Proud Awards (December 2023)

Dear parents,   As we approach the Christmas break, we want to share some proud achievements and triumphs of our students. During term, all students have been working industriously settling into new year groups and getting to grips with new curriculum content, and we are delighted with the way that they have dealt with these Read More …

Christmas collection for our local Food Bank

We wanted to let you know that at Turton, we are again running our Christmas collection for our local Foodbank in Bolton.   Over the last few years, we have collected hundreds of meals to distribute to local families in crisis.   This Christmas with the rising cost of food prices there are many families Read More …

Turton Parent Podcast: Episode 2

Turton Parent Podcast: Episode 2   Just before we take a break for the Autumn half-term break, it’s time for episode two of our parent podcast! Produced on 27th October, 2023. On this episode… 0:00 Introduction. (Mrs Blakeley) 0:48 The School’s Culture, Standards & Attendance. (Ms Gorse) 3:56 Priorities for Key Stage 4 Students. (Mrs Read More …

Turton Sixth Form Open Evening 2023

Turton Sixth Form Open Evening 2023 Thursday 19th October, 5:00pm – 7:30pm. Dear Year 11 Students (& Parents/Guardians), You are very warmly invited to our Sixth Form Open Evening. This is an opportunity for you to explore the range of courses we offer, and to speak to experienced subject staff. We will be adding further Read More …

Turton Parent Podcast: Episode 1

Turton Parent Podcast: Episode 1 Our first official episode of the Turton Parent Podcast. Produced on July 20th, 2023 On this episode… 0:00 Introduction. (Mrs Blakeley) 0:50 Successes and Looking Forward. (Mrs Lane) 3:23 New Mobile Phone Policy & The Hive Switch. (Mr Tither) 5:40 The Problems with Vaping. (Miss Parry) 7:05 Year 7 Students Read More …