Turton Parent Podcast: Episode 1

Turton Parent Podcast: Episode 1

Our first official episode of the Turton Parent Podcast.

Produced on July 20th, 2023

On this episode...

0:00 Introduction. (Mrs Blakeley)
0:50 Successes and Looking Forward. (Mrs Lane)
3:23 New Mobile Phone Policy & The Hive Switch. (Mr Tither)
5:40 The Problems with Vaping. (Miss Parry)
7:05 Year 7 Students talk about their experiences. (Mrs Blakeley)

With the six week summer break around the corner we talk about this year's successes, the implementation of the "Hive Switch" and the new mobile phone policy. We also highlight the dangers and concerns over the rise of vaping, and we have a quick chat with some year 7 students who have just completed their first year at Turton.

Please comment below or email us on info@turton.uk.com for any feedback or questions you may have about this episode or information you may want from future episodes.



(Audio Only)

Duration: 8mins


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