Turton Parent Podcast: Episode 2

Turton Parent Podcast: Episode 2


Just before we take a break for the Autumn half-term break, it's time for episode two of our parent podcast!

Produced on 27th October, 2023.

On this episode...

0:00 Introduction. (Mrs Blakeley)
0:48 The School's Culture, Standards & Attendance. (Ms Gorse)
3:56 Priorities for Key Stage 4 Students. (Mrs Edge)
5:55 Current Affairs Development Program. (Mrs Bach)
9:59 Life at Turton School with Year 7 Students. (Mrs Blakeley)

Head Teacher Ms Gorse talks about the culture at Turton School and how this reflects on standards and attendance. Assistant Head Mrs Edges discusses strategies and tips for Year 10 & 11 students going through Key Stage 4. Deputy Head Mrs Bach on the advantages for our Current Affairs Development program and Key Stage 3 Coordinator, Mrs Blakeley chats to Year 7 students about their first year experiences.

If you have any questions or queries for us to answer on future episodes please comment below or contact us via email on info@turton.uk.com.

Enjoy the episode, have a great break!



Please email us on info@turton.uk.com for any feedback or questions you may have about this episode or information you may want from future episodes.


(Audio Only)

Duration: 11mins



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