Christmas collection for our local Food Bank

We wanted to let you know that at Turton, we are again running our Christmas collection for our local Foodbank in Bolton.   Over the last few years, we have collected hundreds of meals to distribute to local families in crisis.   This Christmas with the rising cost of food prices there are many families Read More …

Turton School Event: 2017/18 GCSE Certificate Collection Event

Dear Parent, It is with great pleasure that I invite your son/daughter to the Year 11 GCSE certificate collection event, following the fantastic results the year group obtained.    This is an informal event and will hopefully provide an opportunity for students who left year 11 in summer 2018 to meet with staff, enjoy some refreshments Read More …

Bag2School Fundraising Collection – 18th May, 2017 (8:15am – 9am)

Bag2School Fundraising Collection (8:15am – 9am) 18th May, 2017 Leadership LatestMr Searle’s end of year messageThe Story of TurtonA whole school Trivium curriculum for Turton School: An entitlement to knowledge and learning for everyoneAccountability or ResponsibilityVision and Purpose 3 years onFlunk and subsequently thunk Parent Zone Latest Recent Posts Proud Awards (Summer 2024) KS4: Sparx Read More …