
Learning:  Key Stage 3


Key stage 3 builds the foundations for lifelong learning. Each subject has clear progression routes to ensure that students meet their age related expectations. We initially develop the grammar of each subject: the knowledge and skills needed as building blocks for future learning.  Upon a solid foundation we can encourage students to develop the dialectic of each subject, creating links between pieces of knowledge and creatively using skills to learn more. Students can then learn how to express themselves within each subject area, creating a specific rhetoric with which they can share their learning at a high academic level.  

Learning:  Key Stage 3

Key stage 3 builds the foundations for lifelong learning. Each subject has clear progression routes to ensure that students meet their age related expectations. We initially develop the grammar of each subject: the knowledge and skills needed as building blocks for future learning.  Upon a solid foundation we can encourage students to develop the dialectic of each subject, creating links between pieces of knowledge and creatively using skills to learn more. Students can then learn how to express themselves within each subject area, creating a specific rhetoric with which they can share their learning at a high academic level.  

Learning:  CAPD


Current affairs and Personal Development Curriculum (CAPD)  

Our vision has its sight set on the building blocks of character, a life well lived and long-lasting achievement.   Our school values of humanity, wisdom, justice, courage, temperance and transcendence reflect the building blocks of good character.  We are developing the whole person; character development and societal awareness. 

The world is a fast-moving place, international events and social influencers are a powerful voice in the lives of our students and their families.  We need to counter some of these influences especially around racism, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, misogyny and sexualised behaviour.  In addition, our students need to consider their future careers, as they move to realise their place in our society.  The world is ever changing and students must adapt to the changing nature of social connections and online content.   

We have moved away from the traditional notion that RSHE is taught as a unique lesson, once per week. This proved ineffective and lacked context for students.

Within school, our Current Affairs and Personal Development curriculum aims to develop societal awareness, good character and emotional intelligence in our students.  On the principle that a well thought out curriculum that encompasses a considered, broad range of subjects, should offer the full extent of a child’s education; we aim to ensure that all aspects of a child’s personal development, character development and mental and physical health development is delivered through and across subject curricula – with some aspects being focussed on more specifically, in form time.

For example, when teaching ‘Othello’ the English teachers will explicitly teach about racism, misogyny, relationships and stereotypes. In this way, the subject curricula are used to enhance the students’ moral, social and cultural development. 

Our curricula include education about protected characteristics, an appreciation and respect of difference in the world and its people, and an understanding of the rule of law, democracy, and mutual respect and tolerance of others. In addition, students are educated on leading healthy lifestyles and developing beneficial attitudes.

There is excellent provision throughout the subject curricula, tutorial time and assemblies, which go beyond the RSE curriculum through our identified CAPD areas.  In addition, extracurricular activities, such as departmental visits to museums and places of interest and a thriving LGBTQ+ group, provide additional influences.  While school may not be the only influence on our students, it is a strong one.

Details can be found in the subject curriculum.  A broad summary of where aspects are covered is given below:


Learning:  CAPD


Current affairs and Personal Development Curriculum


Our vision has its sight set on the building blocks of character, a life well lived and long-lasting achievement.   Our school values of humanity, wisdom, justice, courage, temperance and transcendence reflect the building blocks of good character.  We are developing the whole person; character development and societal awareness.


The world is a fast-moving place, international events and social influencers are a powerful voice in the lives of our students and their families.  We need to counter some of these influences especially around racism, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, misogyny and sexualised behaviour.  In addition, our students need to consider their future careers, as they move to realise their place in our society.  The world is ever changing and students must adapt to the changing nature of social connections and online content.   


We have moved away from the traditional notion that RSHE is taught as a unique lesson, once per week. This proved ineffective and lacked context for students.


Within school, our Current Affairs and Personal Development curriculum aims to develop societal awareness, good character and emotional intelligence in our students.  On the principle that a well thought out curriculum that encompasses a considered, broad range of subjects, should offer the full extent of a child’s education; we aim to ensure that all aspects of a child’s personal development, character development and mental and physical health development is delivered through and across subject curricula – with some aspects being focussed on more specifically, in form time.


For example, when teaching ‘Othello’ the English teachers will explicitly teach about racism, misogyny, relationships and stereotypes. In this way, the subject curricula are used to enhance the students’ moral, social and cultural development. 


Our curricula include education about protected characteristics, an appreciation and respect of difference in the world and its people, and an understanding of the rule of law, democracy, and mutual respect and tolerance of others. In addition, students are educated on leading healthy lifestyles and developing beneficial attitudes.


There is excellent provision throughout the subject curricula, tutorial time and assemblies, which go beyond the RSE curriculum through our identified CAPD areas.  In addition, extracurricular activities, such as departmental visits to museums and places of interest and a thriving LGBTQ+ group, provide additional influences.  While school may not be the only influence on our students, it is a strong one.


Details can be found in the subject curriculum.  A broad summary of where aspects are covered is given below:


Turton Scholars' Pathway

At Turton we recognise that all students are different, they have unique talents, personalities and abilities.

Thus within a comprehensive education we must cater for these differences, ensuring that all students are given the best possible education we can offer by catering for varying needs and eventualities.

As part of our on-going commitment to our highest academically achieving students, we have designed a rich curriculum aimed at stretching students in all aspects of their education. 

This curriculum provides students with many opportunities to excel.

Turton Scholars' Pathway

At Turton we recognise that all students are different, they have unique talents, personalities and abilities.

Thus within a comprehensive education we must cater for these differences, ensuring that all students are given the best possible education we can offer by catering for varying needs and eventualities.

As part of our on-going commitment to our highest academically achieving students, we have designed a rich curriculum aimed at stretching students in all aspects of their education. 

This curriculum provides students with many opportunities to excel.

Learning:  Key Stage 4


At Turton we provide the young people in our care with a high quality education that is broad, purposeful and balanced. An education that affords our students a means to attaining the future they dream for themselves; as well as a breath of knowledge and understanding to take out into the world.


As reflected in the examination results for 2019, our GCSE successes replicate our commitment to both the more traditional academic subjects and the arts and creative curriculum.

Turton Online Resources is a document containing links and login details for a variety of internet based educational resources. 

This document is password protected.  If you require a password, you can request it below by entering your login number and submitting a request.  An email will then be sent to your school email account.


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    Key Stage 4 results (end of secondary school)


    81% of our young people left with a grade 4 or above in English with over 63% gaining grade 5 or above.


    In Mathematics over 73% of students left with grade 4 and 53% with grade 5.


    There were excellent results in French with over 78% getting a grade a grade 5 or above, whilst over 83% achieved grade 4 or above; in Spanish over 89% achieved above grade 5 and over 90% Grade 4 or above.


    98% of our biology students gained a grade 5 or above.


    In drama 80% left with grade 5 or above; whilst In PE 98 % achieved grade 4 and 93% grade 5 and above.


    69% of our cohort left with grade 4 or above in both English and mathematics; whilst 46% left with grade 5 or above in both. 


    Our provisional progress 8 is -0.13, which reflects our commitment to inclusivity and to a broad and balanced academic curriculum.  The Ebacc average point score (APS) was 4.49. 


    Our Attainment 8 score is 49.03. 56% of students achieved the English Baccalaureate qualification in comparison to a National Average of 39%


    91% of students remained in education. 


    Our sixth form is, again, a mix of successful traditional A’ Level subjects and Level 3 BTEC awards in subjects such as Health and Social care.


    81% of our Government and politics students, 89% of our English Literature students, 85%  of our FE students and 88% drama students achieve A*- B


    Subject Overviews

    In Key Stage 4, your child will study a mix of compulsory and optional subjects. In addition, pupils have to take careers education and work-related learning.

    For an overview of the KS4 curriculum, please download the presentation given to parents on the KS4 Curriculum Information Evening this year.

    Support with Examinations

    In order to prepare thoroughly for each students' exams, we have consolidated a list of resources to help with planning and revision.

    Sixth Form College

    We offer a range of A Level and BTEC courses, all of which can be found in our prospectus. In addition we have a wide and varied tutorial programme and the opportunity to do an EPQ. We also have various staff and student led supra curricular activities including MedSoc, and Aim High for those thinking about very competitive fields.


    If you have any questions about the curricular provision please email balik@turton.uk.com