KS3 Winter Newsletters (Y7,Y8,Y9)
Key Stage 3 Newsletters (Winter, 2024) Please feel free to read our latest newsletters with a round-up of the term, and a few things to look forward to next year…
Key Stage 3 Newsletters (Winter, 2024) Please feel free to read our latest newsletters with a round-up of the term, and a few things to look forward to next year…
Year 10 Science Advice (with Mr. Smith) Please find additional guides for other Year 10 subjects here… English Mathematics Faith & Ethics
Revision: The Pomodoro Technique Miss Ross explains the “Pomodoro Technique”. A time management revision method based on 25-minute stretches of focused work broken by five-minute breaks. Longer breaks, typically 15 to 30 minutes, are taken after four consecutive work intervals. Revision: The Pomodoro Technique Miss Ross explains the “Pomodoro Technique”. A time management revision Read More …
Revision: Advice for Students (Part II) Teachers offer guidance and techniques that will help you with your revision and provide a positive impact with your future examinations and results this Summer. Revision: Advice for Students (Part II) Teachers offer guidance and techniques that will help you with your revision and provide a positive impact with Read More …
Revision: Advice for Students (Part I) Teachers offer guidance and techniques that will help you with your revision and provide a positive impact with your future examinations and results this Summer. Revision: Advice for Students (Part I) Teachers offer guidance and techniques that will help you with your revision and provide a positive impact with Read More …
Turton Parent Podcast: Episode 5 It’s all about revision, good studying techniques and stress, as we get closer to our main exam season. Produced on 8th April, 2024 Having trouble playing this podcast? It’s also available on these other platforms…
Revision: Advice for Parents / Carers Some of our teachers offer guidance and tips on how you can help with your child’s revision through the exam season which many students can find stressful. Having trouble playing the video? It is also available on these other platforms…
Parents’ Guide for Booking Appointments Browse to https://turtonsch.schoolcloud.co.uk/ Step 1: Login Fill out the details on the page then click the Log In button. A confirmation of your appointments will be sent to the email address you provide.
Our Year 11 Newsletter for December is now available…
Turton Parent Podcast: Episode 2 Just before we take a break for the Autumn half-term break, it’s time for episode two of our parent podcast! Produced on 27th October, 2023. On this episode… 0:00 Introduction. (Mrs Blakeley) 0:48 The School’s Culture, Standards & Attendance. (Ms Gorse) 3:56 Priorities for Key Stage 4 Students. (Mrs Read More …