Christmas collection for our local Food Bank

We wanted to let you know that at Turton, we are again running our Christmas collection for our local Foodbank in Bolton.   Over the last few years, we have collected hundreds of meals to distribute to local families in crisis.   This Christmas with the rising cost of food prices there are many families Read More …

Mini Bus Appeal

Dear parents,   I hope you are keeping well and that your child has settled well into the new school year.    The autumn term is always busy with sports fixtures and trips, and it has been heart-warming to see these events taking place in earnest again.  Students are involved in sports and extracurricular visits, Read More …

Bag2School Fundraising Collection (8:15am – 9am, 11th Oct)

Bag2School Fundraising Collection (8:15am – 9am) 11th October, 2016 Leadership LatestMr Searleā€™s end of year messageThe Story of TurtonA whole school Trivium curriculum for Turton School: An entitlement to knowledge and learning for everyoneAccountability or ResponsibilityVision and Purpose 3 years onFlunk and subsequently thunk Parent Zone Latest Recent Posts Proud Awards (Summer 2024) KS4: Sparx Read More …