Turton Parent Podcast: Episode 6

Turton Parent Podcast:  Episode 6 In this episode we talk about what support is available for KS3 students as they start their revision for the upcoming key stage three examinations.   Produced on 14th May, 2024   Having trouble playing this podcast? It’s also available on these other platforms…

Proud Awards: This Weeks Top Ten!

Turton’s Proud Awards week 5 and the final one of the half term. We have had lots more reasons to be ‘proud’ this week. We have seen our amazing sixth form students produce a charity video for Crohns and Colitis UK in memory of Cameron Duxbury, a much loved former student. It can be viewed here: http://www.projectforawesome.com/watch?v=74WRmtt2lMA​  We love receiving the Read More …

Proud Awards: This Weeks Top Ten!

Turton’s Proud Awards week 4 and there has been a record number of nominations.  This week we have had more stories of resilience and over coming difficulties, we never tire of reading these. We have seen published poems and outstanding ‘A’ Level work, GCSE P.E. and unplugged projects, we know how busy you all are – well done all!  Please continue Read More …

Proud Awards: This Weeks Top Ten!

Turton’s Proud Awards week 3 and there has been some incredible and heartwarming nominations.   This week we have had super school work from all subjects, but also stories of commitment, resilience and kindness from our wonderful students. We have been especially encouraged to see so much work from the Year 7’s who are proving Read More …

(29/01/21) > Apprenticeships at Salford City College

    Want to find out more about apprenticeships? Join us during National Apprenticeship Week 2021 on our live virtual Q&A session and have your opportunity to ask any questions about apprenticeships.         The session will take place between 3.30pm and 4.30pm and is a drop-in session, join when convenient for you Read More …

Proud Awards This Weeks Top Ten!

Turton’s Proud Awards week 2 and what a fabulous week you have had.  This week we have had poems, articles, revision resources, ballet, and computer coding from our hard working students. We have also seen some personal achievements from music, dance and raising disability awareness – so much talent on display at Turton!   The quality of the work has been outstanding, but the Read More …

(20/01/21) > Spring Term Work Experience, Ages 12 – 18

Students aged between 12 and 18, enhance your futures today. These ground-breaking Spring Term career experiences are now available in 20 of the world’s most desirable careers. Students can attend either ‘Live Online’ before Easter or in-person at UCL later in April. Places are highly limited.  So register now.    View Programmes & Register Now Read More …

(14/01/21) > Latest work and study opportunities

Morning Year 11 The following link > SUCCESSATSCHOOL.ORG < is a website that some of you may be interested in.  This link contains links to a variety of top companies that are currently advertising for school and college leavers. You can click on the links to look at the variety of roles that are on Read More …