Proud Awards: This Weeks Top Ten!

Turton’s Proud Awards week 4 and there has been a record number of nominations.  This week we have had more stories of resilience and over coming difficulties, we never tire of reading these. We have seen published poems and outstanding 'A' Level work, GCSE P.E. and unplugged projects, we know how busy you all are - well done all!  Please continue to send in any examples to us; they can't all make the Top 10, but we really love to see and hear about their successes and hope that the students are 'proud' to take part. So here is the Top Ten.  

As ever, they are in no particular order, we think they are all number 1's!


Team Proud



Deadline: Thursdays at 2pm
Include: photo/video/file
student name
student year group
approval for name & photo to go online

