Latest Official Ofsted Report (March 2024)

Latest Ofsted Report (March 2024)     Latest Ofsted Report (March 2024)     Inspection of Turton School Bromley Cross Road, Bromley Cross, Bolton, Lancashire BL7 9LT   Inspection dates: 12 and 13 March 2024   Overall effectiveness:   Good   The quality of education:   Good Behaviour and attitudes:   Good Personal development:   Good Leadership and management:   Read More …

Proud Awards: This Weeks Top Ten!

Turton’s Proud Awards week 3 and there has been some incredible and heartwarming nominations.   This week we have had super school work from all subjects, but also stories of commitment, resilience and kindness from our wonderful students. We have been especially encouraged to see so much work from the Year 7’s who are proving Read More …

Proud Awards This Weeks Top Ten!

Turton’s Proud Awards week 2 and what a fabulous week you have had.  This week we have had poems, articles, revision resources, ballet, and computer coding from our hard working students. We have also seen some personal achievements from music, dance and raising disability awareness – so much talent on display at Turton!   The quality of the work has been outstanding, but the Read More …

Team Proud’s Week Three Top Ten!

This week’s Turton Proud Awards are here. The choosing each week is just getting harder and harder… so stop sending such amazing work (not really!)   If you didn’t make it this week, please try again very soon.  Same time, same place, next week.   (Email us at  Team Proud      

Report: Ofsted – Short Inspection of Turton School

    Dear Ms Gorse Short inspection of Turton School Following my visit to the school on 22 January 2019 with Vicky Atherton, Ofsted Inspector, and Kathleen Eccleston, Ofsted Inspector, I write on behalf of Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Education, Children’s Services and Skills to report the inspection findings. The visit was the first Read More …