Turton Parent Podcast: Episode 6

Turton Parent Podcast:  Episode 6 In this episode we talk about what support is available for KS3 students as they start their revision for the upcoming key stage three examinations.   Produced on 14th May, 2024   Having trouble playing this podcast? It’s also available on these other platforms…

Revision: The Pomodoro Technique

Revision:   The Pomodoro Technique Miss Ross explains the “Pomodoro Technique”. A time management revision method based on 25-minute stretches of focused work broken by five-minute breaks. Longer breaks, typically 15 to 30 minutes, are taken after four consecutive work intervals.   Revision:   The Pomodoro Technique Miss Ross explains the “Pomodoro Technique”. A time management revision Read More …

A-Level External Examinations Timetable (Summer 2020)

ADVANCED, BTEC and AS Level Examinations Timetable Summer 2020 BTEC EXAMS in RED           Date Start Length Board Code Component Title Mon 4 May 09:00 03:00 EDEXCEL 31588H Business BTEC Unit 6 Principles of Management Wed 6 May  09:00 03:00 EDEXCEL 31674H Creative Media BTEC Unit 8 Responding to a Com. Read More …

BMAT (BioMedical Admissions Test) Exams – October 2019

BMAT (BioMedical Admissions Test) Exams – October 2019 We are a registered centre for Cambridge Assessment Admissions Testing. We will be accepting applications from external candidates from September 3rd for BMAT and all other entrance exams.  The exam date is Wednesday, October 30th. For details and a registration form please contact Dave Haworth on haworthd@turton.uk.com Read More …

GCSE – External Examinations (Summer 2018)

Leadership LatestMr Searle’s end of year messageThe Story of TurtonA whole school Trivium curriculum for Turton School: An entitlement to knowledge and learning for everyoneAccountability or ResponsibilityVision and Purpose 3 years onFlunk and subsequently thunk Parent Zone Latest Recent Posts Proud Awards (Summer 2024) KS4: Sparx Maths and Corbett Maths Demo Music Holiday Club Sessions Read More …

Exam re-sits on ParentPay (Sixth Form)

Exam re-sits on ParentPay (Sixth Form) The link below is for Turton School’s Summer 2018 Exam Re-sits payments Shop on ParentPay.This facility allows you to enter and pay for the re-sits you want to sit in the next exam session – Summer 2018.The only method of payment for examination re-sit fees is online using a debit or credit card. Read More …