Turton’s Proud Awards week 5 and the final one of the half term. We have had lots more reasons to be 'proud' this week. We have seen our amazing sixth form students produce a charity video for Crohns and Colitis UK in memory of Cameron Duxbury, a much loved former student. It can be viewed here: http://www.projectforawesome.com/watch?v=74WRmtt2lMA We love receiving the nominations and are very 'proud' of how all the students have done in this difficult and tiring half term. So here is the Top Ten. As ever, they are in no particular order, we think they are all number 1's! Have a lovely half term!
Team Proud
Email: proud@turton.uk.com
Deadline: Thursdays at 2pm
Include: photo/video/file
student name
student year group
approval for name & photo to go online