Turton Parent Podcast: Episode 6

Turton Parent Podcast:  Episode 6 In this episode we talk about what support is available for KS3 students as they start their revision for the upcoming key stage three examinations.   Produced on 14th May, 2024   Having trouble playing this podcast? It’s also available on these other platforms…

A Night of Dance 2022

Leadership LatestMr Searle’s end of year messageThe Story of TurtonA whole school Trivium curriculum for Turton School: An entitlement to knowledge and learning for everyoneAccountability or ResponsibilityVision and Purpose 3 years onFlunk and subsequently thunk Parent Zone Latest Recent Posts Proud Awards (Summer 2024) KS4: Sparx Maths and Corbett Maths Demo Music Holiday Club Sessions Read More …

Proud Awards: This Weeks Top Ten!

Turton’s Proud Awards week 5 and the final one of the half term. We have had lots more reasons to be ‘proud’ this week. We have seen our amazing sixth form students produce a charity video for Crohns and Colitis UK in memory of Cameron Duxbury, a much loved former student. It can be viewed here: http://www.projectforawesome.com/watch?v=74WRmtt2lMA​  We love receiving the Read More …

Team Proud’s Week Fourteen – The Final Top Ten!

Our final week of Turton’s Proud Awards and we have been overwhelmed with such fabulous examples of work and achievements.     Throughout these extraordinary times our students have continued to work with diligence, but they have also displayed a wonderful humanity which is typical of the values we underpin here at Turton.    We have been incredibly lucky to be able to Read More …