Parents’ Evenings: A New booking system (Guide)

Dear parents,   New Online Appointment Booking System for Parents’ Evenings   We would like to invite you to attend our parents’ evenings online.    This is an important evening, and provides you with an opportunity to discuss your child’s learning and their next steps.   The school has decided to invest in a new Read More …

Years 7,8 & 9 : Curriculum Evenings (Virtual Presentations)

Dear parents, If your days are anything like mine, then there’s every chance that you’ve completely forgotten about the Curriculum & Pastoral Event at Turton!  So here is a little reminder, as we’d love for you to have the chance to ‘meet’ with us all, and put a face to the name.    Year 7, Read More …

Year 9 Curriculum Evening (October, 2020)

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The 16-19 Bursary Fund

The 16 to 19 Bursary Fund The Bursary Fund could help if you are struggling with the cost of full-time education   The Government has set aside some money for Schools, Colleges to allocate to young people who need financial support to stay on in further education or training. This is called the 16-19 Bursary Read More …

Uniform requirements: Years 10 & 11

Dear parent, After the news of schools reopening fully in September, I emailing to remind you of our uniform requirements ahead of the summer holidays. There is a full uniform list attached to this email.  When we return to school in September we will be expecting all our students to be wearing full school uniform.  Read More …