Revision: The Pomodoro Technique

Revision:   The Pomodoro Technique Miss Ross explains the “Pomodoro Technique”. A time management revision method based on 25-minute stretches of focused work broken by five-minute breaks. Longer breaks, typically 15 to 30 minutes, are taken after four consecutive work intervals.   Revision:   The Pomodoro Technique Miss Ross explains the “Pomodoro Technique”. A time management revision Read More …

Revision: Advice for Students (Part I)

Revision:   Advice for Students (Part I) Teachers offer guidance and techniques that will help you with your revision and provide a positive impact with your future examinations and results this Summer. Revision:   Advice for Students (Part I) Teachers offer guidance and techniques that will help you with your revision and provide a positive impact with Read More …

Turton Parent Podcast: Episode 3

Turton Parent Podcast: Episode 3   Episode 3 of our Turton Parent podcast arrives a day before we break up for the winter holidays. In this recording we focus on future career pathways with our sixth form and our careers advice systems. Advice for parents and our mental health nurse talks about the many options Read More …

Letters to parents/carers & school staff – Reminder of the restrictions for half term

  Dear Parent/Carer   Thank you for your hard work and support to follow the rules and help control the spread of Covid-19 in Bolton during these challenging times.   We would like to take this opportunity to remind you that if your child or anyone in your household / bubble shows any of the Read More …

(14/01/21) > Latest work and study opportunities

Morning Year 11 The following link > SUCCESSATSCHOOL.ORG < is a website that some of you may be interested in.  This link contains links to a variety of top companies that are currently advertising for school and college leavers. You can click on the links to look at the variety of roles that are on Read More …

Turton Careers (Issue #10b) – Sports Careers

The latest edition of the Turton Trail Bulletin looks at careers centred around the sports industry which people might not have previously considered.  There is a link for 112 apprenticeship opportunities within 5 miles of Turton School and also the usual mix of careers opportunities, open days and other links. Turton Careers 10b – 09/05/2019 Read More …

Turton Trail (#Issue 7b) – Local Providers of Higher Education

The latest edition of the Turton Trail Bulletin looks at higher education provision and more specifically the local providers of higher education- this is more relevant to sixth formers but it might be worth some year 11s starting to think about the opportunities out there and perhaps planning some open day visits to see what Read More …