Turton School – Big Money Draw

Leadership LatestMr Searle’s end of year messageThe Story of TurtonA whole school Trivium curriculum for Turton School: An entitlement to knowledge and learning for everyoneAccountability or ResponsibilityVision and Purpose 3 years onFlunk and subsequently thunk Parent Zone Latest Recent Posts Proud Awards (Summer 2024) KS4: Sparx Maths and Corbett Maths Demo Music Holiday Club Sessions Read More …

Art students to visit the Liverpool Biennial and experience The John Moores Painting Prize!

Art students to visit the Liverpool Biennial and experience The John Moores Painting Prize!Great news for Turton’s Art Department! Students to visit the Liverpool Biennial thanks to a grant from The Eridge Trust. More news in the Autumn Term! Meanwhile you can find out more information about the festival with the following links…Liverpool Biennial Website  The John Read More …