The English department KS3 Summer project showcase

The English department Key Stage 3 Summer project showcase The English department Key Stage 3 Summer project was launched on 18th June and runs for 3 weeks.  The deadline for the projects is Monday, 9th July. There will be a showcase in which all pupils’ work will be displayed and celebrated after school on Wednesday, Read More …

Celebrating GCSE Art & Design, GCSE Graphic Design

Celebrating GCSE Art & Design, GCSE Graphic DesignSome wonderful GCSE Art & Design and GCSE Graphic Design work on display from Thursday night’s Year 9 option evening…  [ngg_images source=”galleries” container_ids=”38″ display_type=”photocrati-nextgen_pro_mosaic” row_height=”180″ margins=”5″ last_row=”justify” lazy_load_enable=”1″ lazy_load_initial=”35″ lazy_load_batch=”15″ captions_enabled=”0″ captions_display_sharing=”1″ captions_display_title=”1″ captions_display_description=”1″ captions_animation=”slideup” order_by=”sortorder” order_direction=”ASC” returns=”included” maximum_entity_count=”500″]            

English Showcase Success!

English Showcase Success!The English Department had such a lovely evening with our Year 7 & 8 pupils and parents last night.  Really hoping you all enjoyed it too!  We were showcasing the pupils’ fabulous work done both in class and at home, over the last four weeks.  Our year 7s were exploring the experience of Read More …