Year 11 & 13 Results Information

Dear Year 11 and Year 13,


Firstly, I hope you and your families are well and enjoying a relaxing summer break.


I’m sure that you have some feelings of anticipation or nerves ahead of results’ days, as they approach. This is understandable, especially as there is more uncertainty than ever around the allocation of grades from exam boards, this year.


Try not to worry too much and remember that we will be there to offer our support and guidance on the days following the publication of results. Our aim is to ensure that every student in Turton gains a place for the next stage of their education or training.


Attached to this email are two important documents that you should read before your results’ day:


  • Turton’s policy on releasing Centre Assessed Grades.
  • Ofqual’s student guide to results for this summer.



Also, just a reminder to clear space in your inbox before results day so that you are sure to receive the email on the day: 13th August for A level results and 20th August for GCSE results.


I am confident that you will receive the results you deserve and that you will all gain a place for the next stage of your education/training.


Whatever the outcome on results’ day, remember that you have so much more to offer the world than a set of grades and your resilience and adaptability during these very difficult times is testament to the strength of character that you have developed.


We hope to see some of you on the day, but wish you all the very best for your results and your next steps.


Ms Gorse
