Update from Sam Gorse, Headteacher

Dear parent,


I wanted to get in touch again, in these most uncertain times, firstly to send you all our very best wishes and support.


I know that some families have suffered illness resulting from Covid-19, and can only hope that the government plans lead us to a better place sooner rather than later.


School remains open to a few children of key workers and reception staff are taking calls between 8.30am and 3.30pm. In addition you can continue to email myself or your child’s teachers if you have any queries.


The majority of pupils are continuing to work hard and complete work at home, which teachers are then checking and giving feedback on. Every Thursday we engage in a ‘Pride’ event, where pupils can share their best work, if you haven’t already, please take a look at some of the excellent work submitted on our website.


As distance learning recommences after the Easter break, our focus is on new learning and making sure pupils are prepared for the start of the new year. We aim to keep pupils as up to date as possible, so that they don’t miss out on crucial learning. We very much appreciate your efforts and support in keeping your child focussed and completing work.


For parents of year 11 and year 13 students: the government are pulling together their plans for issuing GCSE/A level grades and we are starting to follow their guidance on completing teacher predictions. Students are no longer required to complete work relating to their GCSE or A level grades, we have all the information we need to make our submissions for grades. Between now and September our focus is on supporting students in the transition to their next destination. Teachers are creating transition packs for students to complete, as well as engaging them in broader learning in subjects that they intend to study next year. It is crucial that students continue to follow their teachers’ guidance and complete work set, in particular year 11 transition packs are essential for entry to 6th form.


The following links from Ofqual contains useful information on allocating grades: https://ofqual.blog.gov.uk/2020/04/09/arrangements-for-summer-2020/ and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VXuDOrtJY1Q&feature=youtu.be


In other news, this time has allowed us to complete some physical improvements to the school. New banking is in the process of being installed and we have new flooring down in the gym. Also a group of technology and FE staff have set up production of visors and masks, in school, to help local frontline workers.


For those families in receipt of free school meals, I apologise for the bumpy start to the voucher process. Setting up something new, on such a large scale, is always going to have teething problems. However, I think that most of these are ironed out now and the vouchers should be reaching you regularly.


Finally, many thanks to all parents for your patience and support during this time and for your cooperation in ensuring the efficient running of our distance learning programme.


Again, please don’t hesitate to get in touch if we can support you in any way.


All best wishes,

Sam Gorse
