GCSE Art & Design: Enrichment Visit to Yorkshire 'Sculpture Park’ - September 2018
I am writing with regards a proposed GCSE Art & Design Enrichment Visit to Yorkshire Sculpture Park, as an introductory enhancement experience to the Year 10 GCSE Art & Design course for your son/daughter in September 2018.
We are hoping to visit YSP on Friday 14th September 2018 and will leave school at approximately 9.00am, travelling by coach to the sculpture park in West Bretton, Wakefield. The coach should return to school by 4.00 pm but may be back earlier, depending on traffic.
The textile artist Mister Finch is currently exhibiting his work, The Wish Post, (23rd June -23rd September 2018) in addition to several other permanent exhibitions on display at YSP. I visited the exhibition myself in June 2018 and had a most fantastic day, one we would like to share with our GCSE Art & Design students! All photographs, sketches and ideas collected during the day will enhance and support studies done as part of the GCSE Art & Design portfolio. More information about YSP can be found on their extensive website: https://ysp.org.uk
The total cost of the trip will be approximately £14.50 per student which will include return transport to/from Wakefield and group entrance to the park/galleries.
Students are encouraged to bring along a packed lunch for the visit. YSP spans acres of open field, forest and woodland so, with the unpredictable British weather, sun cream and/or a waterproof and comfortable footwear are also advisable. The majority of the artwork on display is in the openair so we will be outside, regardless of the weather, for most of the day.
Our preferred method of payment for the visit is via Parentpay." Simply log on as per your cashless catering account and choose this trip. There is also a box to tick to give your consent. If you have not yet activated your account, please contact the Finance Office and they will re-issue your activation letter. Although no students will be excluded from the visit through an inability to pay, the trip cannot go ahead without parental contributions. If anyone has difficulties finding the funds for our day trip to Yorkshire Sculpture Park, please contact Miss Gray, in school, in the first instance. '
Please note that your child will not be able to go on any school trip until the indemnity form given out at the beginning of the academic year is completed and returned to school. There is a copy of the indemnity form on the parents' area of the website. If you have not already completed this form please print a copy and return the signed form to school.
The closing date for payment will be 3pm on Monday 16th July 2018.
Please adhere to this deadline so that I can finalise arrangements with YSP before we finish for the summer holidays on Friday 20th July 2018.
Please also note your child's acceptance on this visit will be affected by their effort and commitment to their Art & Design studies.
Further information will follow once I can confirm your child's place on the GCSE Art & Design Enrichment Visit to Yorkshire Sculpture Park. If you have any queries about our proposed visit,
please do not hesitate to telephone school on 01204 333233 or, alternatively, email: grayl@turton.uk.com
Thank you, as always, for your continued support.
Yours sincerely
Miss E. L. Gray
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