Dear Parent / Carer,
Firstly, I hope this email finds you all well. As you will be aware, from the information sent in the transition pack, tonight was originally our planned Induction Evening. We have tried to make sure that you still receive the same information that would normally be provided to you on the evening. As such, please find the link below with a message from myself, Ms Gorse and also Ms Smith, a Group Tutor for the year group in September. We hope you find the information of value.
We understand there’s a lot of information to take in and we might not cover everything. In order to give you the opportunity to speak with us in person I want to remind you of the chance to call between 9-3 on the 6th and 7th July. You’ll be able to contact main school reception to speak to myself or other members of the pastoral team. The number to contact school is 01204 333233. If email is more convenient for you please email
You will also be aware that Friday was meant to be our planned Induction Day. This has now changed to a Virtual Induction Day. We understand that now the majority of year 6 students are accessing Primary School in some way. There is no requirement for your child to access the Induction Day programme on the day. We are planning for some tasks to be available throughout the day, but these can be accessed at any time over the coming weeks. Your son/ daughter should now also have access to TEAMS, using a username and password provided by ourselves via their Primary School. If this is not the case please get in contact and we will provide you with these details.
On Transition Evening we would normally collect some information from you. We have now transferred this online and have mentioned this in the video link. We request that you access our online data collection form via Please could this be completed by the 6th July. We understand that this might be an issue for some, so please do not hesitate to get in contact for a paper copy if needed.
Many thanks for your continued support with our adjusted plans.
I look forward to meeting you all very soon.
Miss J. Brown
Head of Year 7 (2020/2021)