KS4 Oracy Program


Our Ref TC/JE

8th October 2019


Dear Parent

I am writing to you regarding an opportunity for students in years 10 and 11 to develop their oracy. Oracy is a person’s ability to speak in a public or formal setting. As you can appreciate, this is a skill that we all need at some point in our lives.

Recent research completed by Cambridge University found that those who practice and develop their oracy are more likely to reach the top of their chosen careers. In the immediate future, oracy practice will benefit students as they face interviews for college and university places as well as for job interviews.

There are currently 40 places available for a training course run by myself focusing on oracy skills. The course will require students to deliver a short presentation in a formal setting with a small audience of their peers, myself and members of the school leadership team. The students will be required to attend four one-hour sessions after school (outlined below) as well as work on their presentations in their own time.


Session 1: Monday 4th November Students will decide on their presentation title and develop the use of their voice.
Session 2: Monday 11th November Students will focus on how to write an engaging speech.
Session 3: Monday 25th November Student will practice their speech in an informal setting.
Session 4: one session between Monday 2nd and Friday 6th December Students will give their presentations in small groups over the week.

Whilst the idea of being the centre of attention is not always one people are comfortable with, it is a situation we will all encounter throughout our lives. This is a good opportunity for students to leave their comfort zones whilst still in a familiar environment. If you feel your child will benefit from this opportunity please do discuss this with them.

Whilst places are limited, the course is free. To take part please return the reply slip below to myself or your child’s form tutor or email me directly at cordwellt@turton.uk.com

The deadline for submissions is Wednesday 30th October. In the event that the course is oversubscribed places will be allocated randomly. If your child is not successful they will be placed on a reserve list.

Thank you for your continued support.

Yours sincerely,

T Cordwell

History Teacher

KS4 Strategy and Oracy


(If not replying by email, a printable permission slip is attached to the PDF download at the top of this post)
