Learning Walk

21st November, 2013

Learning Walk

School Governor, Brian Northey, took part in a Numeracy Learning Walk on 21st November 2013. Here are his comments.

I have found the educational benefit of Learning Walks superb, showing the need for Maths, or the basics and methods, in other subjects covered by the school such as Music, Geography, Art, Design Technology and Science. The response from students and teachers was superb, in fact one of the students had not realised he was subconsciously using Maths in calculations of various subjects. This was an educational trip for myself and I would like to thank Miss Leonard for the conscientious way she took me round and thank her, the teachers and students for an excellent tour.

Year groups seen: Year 7-11

Numeracy in practice seen:

  • Time calculations in narration (Music)

  • Proportions in mixing paint colours (Art)

  • Estimation, Perspective and Scale (Art)

  • Dividing pastry into fractions (Design Technology)

  • Proportional reasoning in recipe modification (Design Technology)

  • Extrapolating information from tables (Geography)

  • Birth and Death rate calculations and population density (Geography)

  • Calculating time series trends (Geography)

  • Constructive graphs from tables (Geography)

  • Calculations, graphs, reading from tables and data analysis (Science)
