A Message to Year 11



Dear Year 11


Firstly, I’d like to say how incredibly impressed I have been with your focus and attitude recently.  During the mock exams you demonstrated excellent behaviour and focus and I have received many positive comments from your teachers about your attitude during this period.  Since the exams and during the Coronavirus outbreak, you have continued to work hard, remain focussed and maintain a high level of commitment to your studies.  Following the government decision to close schools and cancel exams, I am sure that you will have concerns and disappointments around this.


I am writing to you in an attempt to reassure you during the coming weeks and to help you to remain focussed on your education and your future.


Try not to worry about your GCSE grades.  I and all of your teachers will make sure that no matter what method the government decide to use to assess you, you will get the grades that you deserve and need for the next stages of your education.  You will not be disadvantaged by the current circumstances and will receive appropriate recognition for your hard work and five years of schooling at Turton.


I know that you will be disappointed that you are unable to celebrate the completion of this stage of your education in the usual way, but we will do our best to offer you as much as we can in the way of leavers’ mementos, such as hoodies, leavers’ books etc.


During the next few weeks/months, your teachers will keep in touch with you and ensure that you are able to continue your education from home, as well as helping you to focus on the future.


As well as completing work, learning new things and practising important skills, we also want to make sure that you are well prepared for college, whether that’s A levels and BTECs at Turton or qualifications elsewhere.  It is important that you don’t lose large chunks of learning and disadvantage yourself for September.


Your teachers will continue to set and mark work for the foreseeable future and you will be asked to complete sixth form/college transition packs.


We are here to support you during this period and we always have your best interests at heart.  If you are worried about anything or struggling with any of the work set, please get in touch with your teachers, who will do their best to support you.


Stay safe and work hard, but mostly continue to be your kind and brilliant selves.


All best wishes to you and your families.


Ms Gorse


“The greater the obstacle, the more glory in overcoming it.”

