Year 11 target setting day – 4th September 2019

Year 11 target setting day - 4th September 2019


All students in year 11 will attend a compulsory review and target setting day appointment on Wednesday 4th September 2019. 

All appointments will take place in the Sixth Form Study Area.

Your son / daughter’s appointment time has been sent home with their profiles (Tuesday 16th July). Students have also been asked to record this time separately, so they have an additional record of the time. If students do forget their time please ring reception on Monday 2nd September or Tuesday 3rd September and they will hold a record of their appointment time.

This appointment will be their attendance mark for the day, so students must attend promptly and in full uniform. Attendance is compulsory.

This slot will be a one to one meeting with a member of staff, where they can discuss their end of year exam results, any concerns they may have, their plans for this year and also their plans for life after GCSE.

Before students attend these meetings can you please help you son / daughter reflect on their end of year exam results i.e. what pleased and what disappointed them, how effective their revision was, what they need to work on in each subject area and their plans once GCSEs are completed.

Year 11 is the shortest, yet most important year of your son / daughter’s school career and will bring with it a lot of hard work and worries. We can alleviate many of these problems by beginning the year well and addressing any gaps or concerns early.

Students are the driving force behind their own success at GCSE but the school is here to guide and support their journey.  There are two year 11 parents’ evenings for us to share information on your son / daughter but please do contact us earlier if you have any concerns or questions.  


Jeanette Edge

Assistant Head Teacher
