A Letter to Parents: Start dates for September 2019

Our Ref: CEB/JH

May 2019

Dear Parent,

The summer term is a time when we start to plan ahead for September and the new school year.  You may remember that last September we were forced to create a staggered start to the school year due to building works. While we do not wish to replicate this to the same extent, we did find that using the first day back to focus on the induction of years 7 and 12, as well as preparing year 11 for their GCSE year, was very helpful and effective.

As such please note the following start dates for the year group that relates to your child:

School starts on Wednesday 4th September 2019 at 8.50 am for years 7, 11 and 12. 

Students in years 7 and 12 will spend the day getting to know the school and sixth form respectively, meeting their tutor and learning about our expectations for the year.  The day will end at 3.00 pm. 

Students in year 11 will be in school on Wednesday 4th September 2019 for a target setting and review interview, and times for their individual appointment will be sent out with the end of year 10 reports in July.  Additionally students will be able to complete their personal statement in preparation for applying to sixth form in the autumn term.

On Thursday 5th September 2019 all students from all year groups will be in school from 8.50 am and normal timetables will be in place.  We have high expectations at Turton School and all students are expected to wear the correct school uniform and follow the Hive Switch, as indicated in the attached information.


I would like to take this opportunity to wish your child well in their upcoming exams and a safe summer break, ahead of another purposeful school year in September.



